evaluating my sfx make-up

evaluating my SFX make-up


The make up that I did looked really cool.
The make up would have looked a lot better if i had worked with someone not done it on my own.
The SFX that we were using were prosthetic it is when we put whom putty, face paint and fake blood.
I think that my first attempt was good because I tried it on my own and it looked pretty cool but I think next time I can improve.

Questions to answer

what do you think went well?

I think that the fake blood looked the best but also the whom putty.

What was the most challenging part of the make up?

The most challenging part of the make up was the whom putty.
The whom putty was difficult because you had to try not to over work it because if we did it would go sticky and get stuck to our fingers.

What do you think was the weakest area?

I think that the weakest part of the make up was the fake blood because you could not really tell that it was there because the black face paint underneath it was too dark.

What do you need to improve on?

I think that next time i need to improve on the placing of the whom putty because i made it go pretty sticky and had loads of lower down places where it was suppost to have been higher.

How are you going to improve?

I am going to improve by making sure that the whom putty is the same size where it is ment to be.
I am going to use less face paint or no face paint and use more fake blood. 


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