The Lego Movie: TV Adverts

Thursday 7th June 2018

Lego TV adverts



What are the building blocks success?

While there are all sorts of great examples of content marketing, a common theme is that a brand will create useful or entertaining content targeted at consumers that will soon be in a position to pay for the company's services/products; the actual content itself can be almost anything but it should stay within the spirit of the brand's image, even if it is not strictly related.

What did Lego do right?

For those that have not seen it, there is a twist in the tale that completely fits with the spirit of Lego without looking contrived, but even without that, the zany and inventive way the story zips along is like an advert for playing with these toys. There are no rules. The limit of the story is the limit of your imagination. 

How has it laid the foundations for future success?

Now it has been confirmed that animation co-director Chris McKay will direct a Lego sequel to be released in 2017. His work on Robot Chicken bodes well for the film, as does the presence of Lord and Miller as producers. He has instantly shown an awareness of a problem Lego has struggled with in the past by pointing out that the first movie perhaps would not pass the Bechdel test in spite of the prominence of main characters Wyldstyle and Unikitty; McKay wants more stronger women in the sequel.


how has it got heart?

Any piece of content marketing needs to be fit for purpose – if it’s an informative piece of video, it needs to inform; if it’s an analysis piece on a blog, it needs to analyse; and if it’s a film, it needs to make people feel. And to this end, with an emotive story line that explores the meaning of love, partnership and humanity, The Lego Movie does what it needs to do.

How is it all about 'you'?

As humans, we’re constantly questioning which of those categories we fit into – and the underlying discourse within The Lego Movie forces us to ask questions not only of the characters and the story line, but of ourselves. The result is a resonance that drills the brand into a deep level of our psyche that’s rarely visited by commercial content.

How does its show that it knows its audience?

In marketing, we have content pillars - a drinks brand, for instance, might divvy up the focus of their content between product, sponsorship, cultural tie-ins and responsible drinking, apportioning each a percentage based on their objective and their audience.

Write 300 words explaining how the marketing of the LEGO movie  exploits a range of platforms – print, film, e-media – to construct an effective marketing campaign.

The Lego movie has used social media to promote the film and construct a effective marketing campaign. By the Lego movie using social media it means that it can get more views and more sights by promoting the film by making posts on Facebook that people can share or posts on Instagram that people can send or tag people in the advert. (63)  

The Lego movie also uses YouTube and other video apps to share the trailers. the Lego movie shared the trailers on YouTube so people can watch it and the more the trailers get viewed the more viral it gets.(103)

 The Lego movie also got loads of views from the itv turning all of the adverts into Lego by doing this it made more people want to watch the Lego movie. The Lego movie was the first ever film to promote the movie like that because no other brands or companies had ever thought of it. (160)

The Lego movie posters have got a lot of different posters to advertise the films. The Lego movie made loads of different posters some with all the different characters displayed on them.(192). The Lego movie made more views because of the character posters because the posters had the actors who were voicing them. By them saying on the poster who was voicing them made people (adults) want to see it if they like the actor.(234)

The Lego movie has an official website. By the Lego movie having a website it means that they can add the trailer on to the website. The website also has sections for kids and different topics. The website also lets you create your own Lego characters. (280)

Another way that The Lego Movie promoted the film was through Mc Donald's. The way that Mc Donald's helped to promote the Lego movie was by having the happy meal toy or thing as something to do with the Lego movie.(321).


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