The Lego Movie

Thursday 19th April 2018 

L/O: To research the process, companies and regulators behind the film industry.


Find out the process behind how a film is produced, distributed, marketed and exhibited. Who does what and in what order?

How is a film produced:

film produces fill different roles depending on the type of producers. They can either be employed by a production company or independent. there are also various other aspects of film production, such as selecting scripts, coordinating the writing, directing, editing and arranging financing.

How is a film distributed: 

Film distribution is the process of making a movie available for viewing by an audience. For commercial projects, film distribution is usually accompanied by film promotion. When a film is initially produced, a feature film is often shown to audiences in a movie theater.

How is a film marketed and exhibited:

Film distribution is the process of making a movie available for viewing by an audience. This is normally the task of a professional film distributor, who would determine the marketing strategy for the film.

What is a conglomerate?

A conglomerate is a large company composed by loads of smaller companies. 

Who are the 'big six' Hollywood film studios?

Warner Bros. 
20th Century Fox
Paramount Pictures 
Universal Pictures 
Sony Pictures Entertainment 
Walt Disney Studios

Who regulates films in the UK?

the British board of film classification regulates films in the UK.

which two main companies produced the lego movie (2014)?

  1. Warner Bros.
  2. Village road show 

who was the producer of the lego movie?

Dan Lin & Roy Lee 

who directed the lego movie?

Chris Miller & Phil Lord 

how was the lego movie funded?

The lego movie was funded by Village road show and Warner Bros.

who distributed the lego movie?

Warner Bros. pictures (worldwide) Roadshow films (Australia)

Thursday 26th April 2018

The Lego movie: intertextuality

L/O: to explore the intertextuality of the Lego movie.

write a summary of the plot and the main characters? 

plot of the film

Emmet an ordinary Lego figure who would wake up every morning and use his instruction manual throughout his day. Emmet who works on a construction site when to get his manual that he had dropped and the wind took it. while he was there he heard a noise is was a women dressed in all black. As Emmet was about to phone the police she looked up flicked her hair and he paused. A little bit later not to much longer she left and that was when Emmet's world changed. Next thing that you know Emmet is falling down a hole there were two different parts a happy side and a very dark side. Emmet fell down the dark side and that is where he found the piece of resistance. He did not even know that he had found the piece of resistance until he found himself waking up at the police station and the bad cop questioning him about the piece of resistance that was stuck to his back. Then the bad cop sent Emmet to the melting chamber to be melted where the bad cop changed to a good cop and said to Emmet that he would be fine. Then the bad/good cop left and come back and when h
e did he saw loads of his robots lying on the floor and fighting the person in all black (Wild-style/Lucy) can to Emmet's rescue and got Emmet out of the melting chamber and out and soon as they could escape. Lucy/Wild-style is a master builder so she built a car to help them escape out of whatever she could find that will work. They escape out of the building but while on there way to the escape tunnel where they will pass through different lands the first one is 'The Old West' while in 'The Old West' they have to dress in clothes that people in western films would have to wear. The police find a way into 'The Old West' they follow Emmet, Lucy and Vitruvius. They all go on top of a train while on the train the Bad cop got as close as he could and then fired a tracking device at Emmet's ankle. After that Emmet and others are able to get away quickly to Cloud Cookoo Land when they are there one of the specials find the tracking device on Emmet's ankle when they see it, it is to late to do anything about but when the police get there Emmet,Lucy, Vitruvius and batman have enough time to transfer the tracker on to someone else who the police are not after. After that Cloud Cookoo Land get absolutely destroyed just after Batman, Lucy, Vitruvius, Emmet, Uni-kitty and Benny build a submarine when the submarine fails as a plan Emmet had built his double decker  couch and that was the only thing that survived. Emmet, Lucy, Vitruvius, Batman, Uni-kitty, Benny hid under the seats where the coolers are. The police were investigating the sea but only found the double decker couch where they were hiding than out of no where there was a ship the ship belonged to metal-beard. On the ship they made a plan on what they were going to do to get into lord businesses sky-scrapper. To get into lord businesses sky-scrapper they built an Octan spaceship so it would not look like they were intruders. When inside they all split up into groups of 2. Then they get past security all of the robots doing the same thing after that they try to steal the kragle by the time they had got there they were about to get brain washed  all of the specials and all of the groups that got split up also got caught and put to to get brainwashed but Emmet saved them by jumping out of the window to the place you will never come back from. But after the father and son scene Emmet came back stronger than he was before he saved as many people as he could from being kragled. After the Son told him that Lego came from the toy shop and Emmet's plan he stopped supper gluing characters down and then let his son and younger daughter who would play with Lego duplo in the end 'Everything is Awesome' and Emmet and Lucy are now going out and everyone else lives happily ever after and now the is good cop back.  

Main characters:


Lord business
wild-style (Lucy)

main themes/ message 

Main Themes:

Cloud Cookoo Land 

Other Themes:

Middle Zealand  
The Old West 
The ocean 


The Lego movies Message is That it has a positive message and saying that 'Everything Is Awesome'

  make note of any references to the following 

  • any Warner Bros. characters, products or films 
  • any Lego products 
Warner Bros References

The Matrix
Lord of the rings 

Thursday 3rd May 2018 

L/O: to explore the intertextuality of the Lego movie.



challenges genre conventions:
mixture of many different genres 
challenge typical character rolls 

imitates other text, humorous takes on society/ culture 

makes audience aware they are watching a movie. 

The lego movie uses postmodernism because the film has loads of different genres and they make you realise that you are watching a film. The way that they use loads of different themes to make the genre change (adventure, sci-fi) . The lego movie also imitates (change) humorous takes on society by saying Over-Priced Coffee. challenge typical character rolls Wild-style saves Emmet. The lego movie goes from fantasy to real life. 

Prop's spheres of action:

Thursday 10th may 2018 

L/O: to identify the target audience using demographics and psychographics.

Target Audience

Target audience

  • young kids who like playing with lego.
In the movie for younger children there is the part off good and evil. They would also like some of the characters like unikitty. Also the song in the film 'Everything is Awesome'.
  • parents who used to play with lego when they were younger.
Parents who used to play with lego because of the way that there are a couple of older characters who would have been around when they were younger like Benny. Also some of the characters who  voiced it. Also it is a rip-off of the matrix.  
  • young adult cinema-goers.
It also appeal to young adults because of the variety of characters from other films some bits of sci-fi. Also some of the Characters Voices.

Cast list:

 Chris pratt/ Emmet

 Elizabeth Banks/ wyldstyle

 Will Ferrell/ Lord Business

 Morgan freeman/ Vitruvius

 Charlie Day/ Benny

 Liam Neeson/ Good cop bad cop

Monday 21st may 2018

L/O:  to explore the intertextuality of The Lego Movie.


Similarities between the lego movie and the matrix.


There are two places one is the real world and one is an imaginary world in the head. Big city for the real world. Computer generated worlds in both of the films.


In the lego movie there is a special (Emmet) in the matrix Neo. They are both heroes don't believe in themselves. 

In the lego movie there is a girl in all black that the special gets with at the end (Wyldstyle) in the matrix Trinity. they are both sidekicks. 
In the lego movie there is (Lord Business) powerful in the matrix there is the computer program.
in the lego movie there is (Vitruvius) in the matrix is like morpheus.
in the lego movie (bad cop) is like Agent Smith.

Themes and messages:

The lego movie and the matrix have similar messages because the matrix and the lego movie both show to believe in yourself but not everything that you hear and don't give up even if its hard.Importance of freedom and imagination.


The Matrix and the lego movie story line is similar because they have Emmet and Neo who get asked questions and get followed around by people in uniform and go up against them sometimes they feel like giving up but then realise that they can beat them and so come back and fight hard then what they already were and win against them and finish what they needed to.

Evaluate the advantages and the disadvantages of the intertextual relationship between the matrix and the lego movie.

An advantage is parents would be able to understand the matrix the references and making them enjoy it. put a relevant message into something else.

The disadvantages are that younger children will not be able to understand it and they would not enjoy it. 
Another disadvantage is that some young people may understand it but not the references  but they would understand the lego movie.

Thursday 24th May 2018

L/O: To explore marketing & promotion of The Lego Movie; to link the methods to the target audience.


Different ways of marketing and promoting  a movie:

Teaser Trailers
Magazines (posters)
News papers 
Social Media (sharing Trailers) (Stars posting about it) (Facebook/twitter/Instagram page)
(Fan Accounts) 
well known people reviewing them
Brand Partnerships (product placements)
Preroll view advertising
Film Premiere 


Lego released some tie-in merchandise to go along side the movie.

17 Lego World Sets 

16 Collectable Mini Figures
The Lego Movie Video Game  
Range Of School Supplies 
Sticker & Activity Books 

Promotion - Research 

What Methods were used to promote the movie?

Posters about other films using lego character to advertise The Lego Movie.

The Lego Movie Websites. 
Lego Movie Premiere. 
poster. (Main and character) Each week in January a new character poster released 
ITV Turned an entire break for BT, and premiere inn  and more were all remade into a lego addition for the lego movie. (First time done in the uk) (It was successful because it was new so the social media would talk about it so everyone would know about it.) ( It was different because it had never been done before.)
Lego stores schecheld linked events 
Mc Donald's
create own lego characters
social media 

Warner Bros Horizontal And Vertical Integration:

Thursday 7th June 2018

Lego TV adverts



What are the building blocks success?

While there are all sorts of great examples of content marketing, a common theme is that a brand will create useful or entertaining content targeted at consumers that will soon be in a position to pay for the company's services/products; the actual content itself can be almost anything but it should stay within the spirit of the brand's image, even if it is not strictly related.

What did Lego do right?

For those that have not seen it, there is a twist in the tale that completely fits with the spirit of Lego without looking contrived, but even without that, the zany and inventive way the story zips along is like an advert for playing with these toys. There are no rules. The limit of the story is the limit of your imagination.

How has it laid the foundations for future success?

Now it has been confirmed that animation co-director Chris McKay will direct a Lego sequel to be released in 2017. His work on Robot Chicken bodes well for the film, as does the presence of Lord and Miller as producers. He has instantly shown an awareness of a problem Lego has struggled with in the past by pointing out that the first movie perhaps would not pass the Bechdel test in spite of the prominence of main characters Wyldstyle and Unikitty; McKay wants more stronger women in the sequel.


how has it got heart?

Any piece of content marketing needs to be fit for purpose – if it’s an informative piece of video, it needs to inform; if it’s an analysis piece on a blog, it needs to analyse; and i
f it’s a film, it needs to make people feel. And to this end, with an emotive story line that explores the meaning of love, partnership and humanity, The Lego Movie does what it needs to do.

How is it all about 'you'?

 As humans, we’re constantly questioning which of those categories we fit into – and the underlying discourse within The Lego Movie forces us to ask questions not only of the characters and the story line, but of ourselves. The result is a resonance that drills the brand into a deep level of our psyche that’s rarely visited by commercial content.

How does its show that it knows its audience?

Film critics laud this movie’s ability to offer ‘something for everyone’, with a healthy dose of slapstick for the kids, cultural savvy for the teens, and scathing yet hilarious social commentary for the grown-ups. In other words, it’s nailed its content pillars.

Write 300 words explaining how the marketing of the LEGO movie  exploits a range of platforms – print, film, e-media – to construct an effective marketing campaign.

The Lego movie has used social media to promote the film and construct a effective marketing campaign. By the Lego movie using social media it means that it can get more views and more sights by promoting the film by making posts on Facebook that people can share or posts on Instagram that people can send or tag people in the advert. (63)  

The Lego movie also uses YouTube and other video apps to share the trailers. the Lego movie shared the trailers on YouTube so people can watch it and the more the trailers get viewed the more viral it gets.(103)

 The Lego movie also got loads of views from the itv turning all of the adverts into Lego by doing this it made more people want to watch the Lego movie. The Lego movie was the first ever film to promote the movie like that because no other brands or companies had ever thought of it. (160)

The Lego movie posters have got a lot of different posters to advertise the films. The Lego movie made loads of different posters some with all the different characters displayed on them.(192). The Lego movie made more views because of the character posters because the posters had the actors who were voicing them. By them saying on the poster who was voicing them made people (adults) want to see it if they like the actor.(234)

The Lego movie has an official website. By the Lego movie having a website it means that they can add the trailer on to the website. The website also has sections for kids and different topics. The website also lets you create your own Lego characters. (280)

Another way that The Lego Movie promoted the film was through Mc Donald's. The way that Mc Donald's helped to promote the Lego movie was by having the happy meal toy or thing as something to do with the Lego movie.(321).


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