mock dirt 2018

mock dirt 2018

Explain two reasons why a film company would release a video game linked to a film?

A film company would have released a video game linked to the film because the game can promote the film and make people feel more connected than in the film. The game would give people a chance toffee what it would be like to be in a movie. Even though the Lego movie connects you it can make you feel even more connected.

A Film company would releases a video game so that the company would get more money coming in from the game as well as the can make more money because of people buying the game.

Analyse how genre codes have been used in the Lego movie poster campaign to appeal to family audiences.

The Lego Movie uses genre codes in the poster campaign that will appeal to a family audience. Genre codes are: typography, credits, colour palette, imagery and tag lines/ release date. The Lego follows the conventions of action posters.
   The Lego movie poster uses typography because the Lego movie has a type of Arial lettering on the date that the movie is being released and the tag line and the main title has been made 3D they also have Lego bricks as the main title. Typography can also effect the film so you can tell that what genre it would be. Typography can make people feel like the film can be basic or is not going to be a bad film for younger children. 
   The Lego movie poster also uses credits like every other film poster. The Lego movie credits has the names of the actors on them. They also have the companies and brands who helped out to produce the Lego movie. underneath the credits there are also images of the companies who produced the film. The Lego movie posters use a different font for the credits. 
   The Lego movie poster uses colour pallet to add affect on the film poster. The Lego movie poster uses two different types of colours, the types of colours are by using darker and lighter colours the colours are mostly blue, red and grey. That can make people realise that there is a good vs evil or the good person is challenged against the bad person. this can make people feel like the colours are very bright and colourful the colourful ones make people feel like the film will be a good and happy place, where as the darker duller colours make the film like part of it will appeal more to older people where as the brighter colours will be more appealing to younger viewers.    
   The Lego movie uses Imagery that will attract family audiences. The family audiences might be attracted by the way that the characters look. Some of the character could have the same characteristics as some of the viewers. The main poser has a lot of the characters on them some more main characters than others. The Lego movie posters stereotype a lot of the characters. Emmet the one of the main characters can Lego be stereotype as a normal modern working class man who is a construction builder who likes to look very smart and as if he is always doing something. His high-vis jacket and although in the poster he looks as if his is really scared and is running away from the bad person Lord business. Lord Business also plays a big part in the poster because we can observe that he likes everything the way that he wants in. In the poster it is as if he wants to argue or has a show down with the hero Emmet. The lego movie poster also stereotypes Wyldstyle. They stereotype wyldstyle by saying that she is a proper Hollywood women because of the way that  she wears make up. Although she would also be called a Emo because of her appearance and clothes are all black. Vitruvius now from the looks of him he looks like a very wise man from the image of him he looks as if he knows everything about the world.
   the lego movie uses the tag line 'a story of a nobody who saved everybody' all films always have a tag line on there posters. A tag line is a easy way of people knowing things about the film. the tag line 'a story of a nobody' means that at the beginning of the film it means that he was mostly unrecognized and lonely and talked to everyone and tried to be friendly to everyone, although 'who saved everyone' to me it means that the person labeled a nobody in the end ended up some how saving everyone although it also means that the person who was lonely and unheard and only knew the people then became more likable because he saved everyone.  


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