
Showing posts from December, 2019

Cuffs Practise Question

Friday 6th December 2019 Cuffs Practise Question How is Media Language used to represent modern Britain? [10 Marks] Mise-en-scene & Camera Work Establishing shot. Fast pace drone footage of Brighton. Low angle close up. Multicultural society (modern britain) Low angle steady cam (creates tension) (brighton can be dangerous) over should shot (point of view of the shot of the character) pan shot (all cultures and ethnicity is there) High angle look down on the groups (lad culture) Close up Low angle of chief shows that white men, straight and middle age men have more power. (patriarchal society) medium shot showing phone (modern britain) Close up shows violence of brighton lost respect for law and order as people are willing to attack and separate a fight and no one is listening or helping. Not enough police. (close up). low angle close up shows the police man getting punch shows people don't respect the law anymore. Brighton is know as the gay capitol of the

avengers practice question

Tuesday 3rd December 2019 Avengers Practise Questions How is media Language used in the extract to portray gender and sexuality in the 1960s? Media Language is used in this extract to portray gender and sexuality in the 1960s by using camera work and mise-en-scene. At the beginning of the extract it begins with a cut away close up of a door bell. Near the door bell there was the name Mrs Emma Peel this would show that Mrs Peel was not alone and that she should not be flirting. When Steed rings the door bell he doesn't ring it like you would normally ring a door bell instead he decides to ring the door bell using the end of his umbrella. This would suggest that Steed is rude and disrespectful. The extract the goes on to using a pan tilt to the eye. The eye that is used is a females eye as in the 60s women would have worn make up to make themselves look more pretty and attractive as they deemed to be. Throughout the extract there is a difference in angles between the 2 characte