
Thursday 7th March 2019

Planning: I think that i could do a educational magazine on animals but more about cats so i will probably do my double page spread on cats. I think that I can get pictures of cats for my idea so that I can get pictures of my cat and my grandad or my aunties cat.
Thursday 14th march 2019

L/O: to research codes and conventions of similar products.


Codes and conventions

The layout for the front of the magazine is very spacious and simple. The magazine cover has a barcode with little bits of information. it has the main topic and a few minor cover lines. It has the brand that makes the magazine big bold and colourful. And also shows some of the stuff that it includes like the amount of prizes that are available to try to win. The double page spread shows the title quite big and then bits of information in little blocks of colour. It has images about the paragraph. it also labels the paragraphs or bits of information. The information is not as explained as if it was for a younger audience. It has details at the top of the page including the page numbers. tells little facts about what it is on about.
The font on the front of the cover is a curved title with bright colours (like a bright yellow).
The production values are high the quality of the front cover is very glossy and the pages inside are very god quality not just like really thin paper like in other cheaper to make magazines.
The magazine helps younger people to learn about the world sort of like news but more facts about a specific thing. The target audience could range from 10-13 year olds but also maybe to someone a little bit younger who likes to learn about things like animals or history or anything that maybe featured in the magazine. It represents education for young people who want to learn stuff in a less complex way. The colours that they use link to the target audience because they are very bright and colourful. And younger people like stuff that stands out more.
Monday 18th march 2019
Coursework planning 
L/O: to plan an effective product aimed at a specific audience using appropriate codes and conventions. 

Codes and Conventions -
  • Colour palette -
Bright colours a lot of yellows, blues and mixture of other colours.
  • Images: type, number, size -
quite a lot of images on each page cut out so no background but in a few more main images there are backgrounds. 
  • text: font style, size, amount - 
Sans serif fonts bold and colourful. not much text very little amount of text on each page. 
  • layout - 
Quite a lot of picture all around boxes of text not much text in the boxes.

Initial planning

Name: Animal Time
Genre: Educational/ animals/ double pigeon cats. 
Representation: Lovable and cute.
Colour palette: Bold bright colours that stand out like a bright yellow or a bright pink or just bright colours. 
Cover image: a picture of a cat awake either inside or outside.  
Possible cover lines:
DPS article subject: Cats 
DPS image ideas: Pictures of more cats maybe some awake some asleep a mixture of the two but different colours and types.


Thursday 28th march 2019

L/O: to experiment with illustrator.

see illustrator post.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thursday 25th April 2019 

Target audience 

L/O: to research our target audience to enable successful targeting.

Target audience


Age and Gender- The ages between the people reading the magazine are between the ages of 10-13. The magazine is not really aimed at any specific gender. 
Race- My magazine is not aimed at any specific race.
Location- The audience would be aimed more for people who like live in more rural areas away from the urban areas of the city and that because of the animals and cats being able to move around more freely and not just staying inside.
The young people would either be in there last years of primary school and the first year of secondary school.


The audience of this magazine would give people who have interests in school and education the option to learn about something else outside of school that might interest them. The magazine that I am doing is to do with animals I think that the majority of people reading this magazine would be interested in animals and specific animals mentioned in the cover lines. 
Monday 29th April 2019 

Coursework planning 

L/O: to plan an effective product aimed at a specific audience using appropriate codes and conventions.
Thursday 2nd May 2019
Coursework planning
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thursday 9th May 2019
coursework planning
Monday 13th May 2019
coursework planning
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 16th May 2019
cause work planning/revision
Thursday 23rd May 2019
coursework planning


front page

double page spread

Monday 3rd June 2019


Thursday 6th June 2019

creative photography 

L/O: to explore and create creative photoshoot ideas.

photoshoot planing:

Shot type:
long shot or close up

other animals for my front cover:
any animal other than a cat

colours of cats:
A cat either ginger or a cat that has more than one colour


Things needed:
a cat and an outside place like a garden
Monday 17th June 2019

coursework review 

L/O: to review, revise and develop ideas.


Monday 1st July 2019

coursework planning.

L/O: to plan and create an effective product aimed at a specific audience using appropriate codes and conventions.

Thursday 4th July 2019

Article/ write up.

Anyone who likes cats, or want to look after cats now or in the future this is an article for you. I will have some facts on looking after a cat.

Cats have similar pain thresholds to people. They are vulnerable to a range of infectious diseases or illnesses. Just like people.

If you are a little worried about your cat, the easiest thing to do is to take your cats to the vets as soon as you realise something is wrong. It will save having to pay a lot of money rather than it having to cost more at once and will start working before which give your cat a better and longer life to live.

A cat can be just like a person if a cat gets stressed it can cause your cat to become unwell. A way that you can tell something bad like that is going to happen is the changes in their behaviour. If your cat lives a peaceful life, it will have a better impact and will give your cat a lower risk of illness or diseases.

When you have any animal and more specifically a cat that can go off wondering for a bit just make sure that in case anything bad was to happen to consider paying pet insurance so that there is no overpriced vet bills for the treatment. If your cat goes missing it can be quite hard to find them but if you get your cats microchipped then you are more likely to have your cat back but it also helps if your cat gets taken down to the vets course they can check who the cat belongs to.

Cats can eat cooked meets but not raw meats because it will make them ill, like it would to you.

Friday 6th September 2019

double pages spread and front cover.

Coursework update.

Friday 13th September 2019 

Tuesday 17th September 2019

Friday 20th September 2019

Tuesday 12th February 2020


Facts about cats

Cats have a similar pain threshold to people. They are vulnerable to a range of infectious diseases, just like people. If ever you get worried about your cat, the best and easiest thing to do is take your cat to the vets as soon as you realise something is wrong. Going to the vets as soon as you can tell there is something it will save you a lot of money because if you wait to see if your cat gets any better and then go to the vets it may cost more money as your cat’s condition may be worse. If you take your cats to the vets as soon as you notice there is something wrong the treatment will start working faster and will give your cat a better chance at living a longer peaceful life.

A cat just like a person can be stressed. Stress causes a cat to become unwell just like it does to a person. There is a variety of different ways to tell that your cat is unwell one way being the change of their behaviour. This can be to do with the amount of times they go out in a day to the amount they are eating. If you want your cat to have a higher chance of living a longer life, try to ensure your cat lives a peaceful life as it will lower the risk of illness or diseases.

When having an animal, more specifically a cat, they can go wondering off. When a cat goes out around cars and roads it is more likely that something bad will happen to them. If so maybe it would be better to pay for pet insurance, this means if they go wondering off and get hurt there will be no overpriced vet bills that you will need to pay for the treatment. When you get your cat it is good to make sure you have your cat microchipped this means that you are more likely to get your cat back if it goes missing.

Cats can get ill from eating raw meet just like us people, it will make them ill. So when feeding your cat make sure your feeding them the correct cat food and only cooked meet not raw meet.


  1. Great idea Rebekah - I love your design ideas. You need to look at the image quality.

  2. Outstanding cover work, well done! You have followed conventions beautifully. Targets:
    1) Complete double page spread.


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