music industry

Thursday 6th September 2018

The Music Industry

L/O: to identify and explain different music genres.

music genres:
  • pop
  • rap 
  • country 
  • Rock 
  • classical
  • jazz
  • opera 
  • funk
  • heavy metal 
  • rock and roll 
  • j-pop 
  • reggae 
  • blues
  • k-pop 
  • grime

What the stars look like?
pock stars often wear a lot of black and a lot of leather like leather jackets. 

Typically, how they sound?
tends to be a lot of electric type sound to there music using heavy guitars and drums.

what ideas/themes they sing about?

love and romance but also being rebellious.

what the stars look like?
very casual clothing but also smart in a way and also dress in the most popular clothes. 

Typically, how they sound?
they sound very peaceful or very chilled. they use a lot of piano and acoustic guitar. upbeat or a ballot.

what ideas/themes do they sing about?
pop music follows mostly about love and there past or something that include everything about social inequality.


what the stars look like?

typically, how they sound?
they normal use a beat to go with them or maybe a couple of instruments. 

what ideas/themes do they sing about? 
they sing about real life and what is going on either in their life or stuff happening around the world.

L/O: to identify and classify genres.

investigate further 


Who is the target audience?

The target audience for pop music 16+ 

which magazine and radio stations feature this genre?

Heart and radio 1 cover pop music 

top of the pop and we heart pop cover pop music genres.

Add photos of bands and links to music videos 


 5 seconds of summer

 Little mix 

Thursday 13th September 2018

music magazines

L/O: to explore the terminology and genres of popular music magazines.



Typography is the art and technique of arranging type to make written language legible, readable, and appealing when displayed. The term typography is also applied to the style, arrangement, and appearance of the letters, numbers, and symbols created by the process.


layout is the part of graphic design that deals in the arrangement of visual elements on a page. It generally involves organizational principles of composition to achieve specific communication objectives.


Lexis is a term in linguistics for the vocabulary of a language. Adjective: lexical. The study of lexis and the lexicon (a collection of words) is called lexicology. The process of adding words and word patterns to the lexicon of a language is called lexicalization.

colour palette- 

A color palette, in the digital world, refers to the full range of colors that can be displayed on a device screen or other interface, or in some cases, a collection of colors and tools for use in paint and illustration programs. ... A color palette is also known simply as a palette.


MISE-EN-SCENE. ... The term is borrowed from a French theatrical expression, meaning roughly “put into the scene”. In other words, mise-en-scènedescribes the stuff in the frame and the way it is shown and arranged. We have organized this page according to four general areas: setting, lighting, costume and staging.

pop music magazines:

The colour palette for pop magazines have a lot of bright colours.
some of the magazine covers have the artist smiling although some of the have them in maybe a darker stage in there music career or in there life.the camera shots are either close ups or mid shots.
The typography on pop music magazines are block letters.
The layout of the magazines are quite similar with lots of writing everywhere.

Rock music magazine covers:

The colour palette on the music magazines are quite dark colours like black red and yellow.
The images are all like big group photos or single photos. They always look like they are always in a dark stage in there lives. The shot type of the main image is high up and close up.
The typography is in block letters and and colours are red yellow or a light but deep pink.
The layout of the music magazines are all quite similar or they have the text one side or across the whole thing.


The colour palette on the magazine covers are a lot of green and redound black and yellow.

The image content of the magazine cover is a lot of aggression or attitude they all are either above the camera or mid shot.
typography is in bold letters.

Monday 17th September 2018

Music magazines and audiences

L/O: to identify and analyse a target audience using demographics and psychographics.


The age range focus of the magazine for 25 to 45 year olds.
I think that they are aimed at both girls and boys.
There were all males inside.
All older groups.
income because of the adverts being expensive products.
formal language.


Age = 25-45
gender = both 
sexual orientation = 
Race = 
Geographical location = 
Marital status = 
Class (Social Grade) = ABC1
Education = 
Jobs = 

identifying the audience 

interests/ hobbies
existing or new audience 
mass or niche 

I think that my magazine fits with traditionalists  because of staying the same but also strivers because of the importance of the images. (VALs)

I think that the magazine fits with the succeeder  and the reformer

Thursday 20th September 2018

Genre & target audience

L/O: to identify target audiences for a variety of music magazine genres and link to genre codes.

age: The age range of the magazine is mainly for ages 15 to 25. I think this because the of the colours of the and they are a lot more mature than on younger pop magazines.
gender: i think that the gender of the magazine is mainly for females because of the main image. And also the cover lines on the front cover of the magazine because of the things that they cover. The reason why i think the gender because of the main image is of a well known pop singer that most people know. The other way that you can tell is also from the font of the text block capitals mean a more male context where as the italics mean more feminine posts.


Personality: i think that the people who look at this magazines there interest are music and there favourite genre of music is pop.

Age: I think that the age range on the magazine is for people in their late 30s to about 40,45. I think this because of the way that the people who are being featured on the main image and minor images.  
Gender: I think that the gender of the magazine is aimed at males depending on what the genre of the music is. 

Personality: i think that people who enjoy music like indie or rock music. Either that or the people who like the thing that are mentioned on the cover lines it doesn't just have to be about the people on the front on the main image.

Age: I think that the target age for this magazine is 20s to 30s. I think this because it looks as if its is meant for a older target audience because of the colours and the image.
Gender: I think that the gender of this magazine is for males. I think this because of the way that the text is bold. Also the genre of the music magazine.

Personality: I think that the people who read and look at this magazine are the ones who are into like rap or hip hop either that or dance.

Age: I think that the age of this magazine is age ranged for 35 to 45 year olds because of the language used and the name of the magazine.
gender: I think that this magazine poster is for males because of the bold text and the colours and text.


personality: I think that people who like this magazine like rock music and the image tells me that.  

Thursday 27th September 2018

The magazine industry

L/O: to explore the magazine industry ownership, regulation & revenue.



conglomerate is the combination of two or more corporations operating in entirely different industries under one corporate group, usually involving a parent company and many subsidiaries. Often, a conglomerate is a multi-industry company. 


develop or be developed so as to make international influence or operation possible.


Diversify means to vary in type. It's often used to discuss risk in financial activities.


a rule or directive made and maintained by an authority.


income, especially when of an organization and of a substantial nature.


Circulation is a count of how many copies of a particular publication are distributed.


who publishes

Whats on tv- TI media 

Radio times- Hubert Burda media- uk subsidiary-immediate media company 

TV choice- Bauer media 

Take a break-Bauer media 

good house keeping- Hearst communist 

cosmopolitan-  Hearst communist 

BBC gardeners world- Hubert Burda media- uk subsidiary-media company 

Bauer media: research 

how many magazines does Bauer own? 

More than 600 magazines. 

what other uk music magazines does it publish?

Q and Mojo magazines 

How have they diversified the mojo brand?

They have created an online platform of mojo magazine.

what other types of media companies does Bauer own?

Radio, music tv channels and online companies 

Regulation: research 

Which agencies regulate magazines?

Impress , independent press standards organisation (IPSO) 

which one has Bauer joined?

independent press standards organisation (IPSO)

Revenue: research 

Magazines receive revenue from which four sources?

magazine sales, adverts, events and product placement and endurance. 

Why do you think there has been a dramatic fall in print magazine sales in the past 10 years? 

There has been a dramatic fall in print magazines because of there being social media or that people would much prefer to read it online.

how are the print companies responding to the fall in print magazine sales and advertising?

The print companies are responding to the fall in print magazines by making there websites online rather than just print. 

Monday 1st October 2018

Mojo magazine

L/O: to explore &define the magazine's target audience.

mojo magazine 

New and old artist 
Only well known artists 
every issue gives a free cd with the print copy 
music from all era's
world's largest uk music magazine 
" if you're featured in MOJO, you matter"
high quality journalism 
claim to cover all genres 
quality over popularity 

mojo audience 

Mojo has a fairly small circulation of about 68,000 and a readership of 138,000. its audience is more niche than those for take a break or cosmopolitan which each have readership of well over 1 million.  (Niche audience= a very specific target audience, as opposed to a mass audience.)


mean age 42
ABC1 profile 49%


The magazine is mostly aimed for people who like rock music and modern music.
The bands are mostly the beatles, Dylan, Bowie, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppun, Neil Young and the rolling stones. 
Like the good things in life (they value the quality)
passionate about music (got into music when they were younger) 
30-50 for target audience
High disposable income  (well paid job) (high level of education)
Live gigs
subscribe to streaming services 
cd's or vinyls 
recommend band and talks about music 


Thursday 4th October 2018 

MOJO: uses and gratifications

L/O: to identify what audiences get out of music magazines. 

personal identity:

music magazines adress fandoms of a specialised audience and may reinforce the readers sense of being a fan. 

aspirational role models/ legendary musician. 

music magazines reinforce a readers values. 

social interaction 

music magazines might offer gossip that might form real life conversations.
like the mojo magazine has a regular section called 'mind-blowers'.


range of entertainment 
comedy, gossip, cds and other stuff. 


sense of being in contact with the world 
has article about music in the world 
offer reviews of different things. 

Thursday 11th October 2018

cover analysis

L/O: to analyse the cover of a magazine, linking it to a genre and audience.

babyboomer generation- a person born in the years following the Second World War, when there was a temporary marked increase in the birth rate.

diversification- the process of varying products. 

audience address- how the text speaks to the audience, and involves and influences them.

discerning- having or showing a good judgement.

house style- a company's  preferred manner of presentation and layout of written material.

Dave Grohl / foo fighters: lead singer/Old/new/current. rock music. 

Ian dury/ the blockheads: not around anymore. Punk.

Elvis: Rock and roll, pop music, Gospel, country and blues. old and is not around anymore.

Nirvana: Rock band. not around anymore. 

Lou Reed: rock music still makes music but not very often.

Sparks: Rock music. old but are still around.

David Gilmour/ pink Floyd: Rock. are not together anymore. 

Cat stevens: folk, pop and rock. not current 

identify the following:

shot type:  mid shot 

star vehicle: Dave Grohl  

colour palette: Blue yellow red and white. 

Bands/artist mentioned: Dave grohl, Ian Dury, Elvis, Nirvana, Lou Reed, Sparks, David Gilmour and Cat Stevens.

masthead style: bold and large text behind the main artist block capitals. 

main coverline style: bold an standing out and large.

minor coverline style: plainer and smaller but still bold. 


USP (freebies): Cd 

placement of text: In lines over the artist and laid out in straight lines.

Monday 15th October 2018

mojo analysis

L/O: to analyse the cover of a MOJO magazine, linking it to genre and audience.

shot type - 

Mojo magazine uses shot the by using Dave Grohl so that it looks like dave Grohl is taking music extremely serious and looks like it is not a joke. The main image is serious because they don't take rock music as a joke and they feel like it should be more serious than a joke. This could appeal to the target audience depending on whether they are a fan of the artist in the main image. 

colour palette - 

The colour palette used on mojo magazine are very dark. The dark colours show the genres so most people would associate darker colours with rock music. where as brighter colours would represent pop or something like that. The target audience could easily tell that it was a Rock magazine from the colours.

star vehicle -

The star vehicle is dave Ghrol. Dave Ghrol looks really serious, its as if he thinks that more people should take rock music as serious as him. The target audience would would know who this artist is depending on the type of artist and bands that they listen to.

masthead -

the masthead MOJO, is powerful influence which would appeal to the hard core music fans that the magazine is aimed at. the sans serif font looks modern and fresh due to its curved edge, which suggests the content is up to date and new, appealing to those fans who want to know about new artists as well as the artists they listen to.

Thursday 18th October 2018


Thursday 1st November 2018


L/O: to explore the concept of representation in music magazines.


  • Teenagers
Lazy, moody, addicted to social media, rude, have to have there phones 
  • men 
strong, aggressive, don't cry, are not emotional, stronger than women, don't do house work, 
  • americans
obesity, gun obsessed, ignorant, rich,  loud & stupid, 
  • lesbians 
short hair, colourful, hate men, 


How an artist is portrayed:

Age: is like around late 20s
gender: males  
Genre: the genre is pop although he is more anti-stereotyped for a pop artist. 
personality: The personality of ed sheeran is more of a calm person.

Monday 5th November 2018


L/O: to create a magazine cover showing an understanding of representation.

I have shown the genre in the main image and the title.

I have shown genres through the colours that i have used.
the way that the colours go quite equally with the artist.
I have link to the target audience by the font types.

I need to work faster to finish it.
I need to add minor cover lines.

Thursday 15th November 2018

Music videos

L/O: To research chosen case studies and how they are represented.

Performance: Artists preforming such as singing or playing instruments.

Narrative: has a story line.

Concept:  has no meaning towards the music.

Illustration: What happening in the video matches what they are singing about that links to the lyrics.

Amplification: Has some links between them and put them in a different context. 

Disjuncture: Has no relation between the lyrics and the narrative of the music video.

Music video research:

Case study 2:
  • Name of the artists: Bruno Mars & Mark Ronson
  • Name of the song: Uptown funk.
  • Genre: Funk.
  • Date song was released in the UK: November 10th 2014.
  • what is the song about:  It is about the way that you look, having more than other people.
  • Type of music video: Performance and amplification.
  • Describe what happens in the video: In the music video there is a lot of singing and dancing in the street while women go walking past the males.
  • Who features in the music video:
  • Normally, the artist/group is represented as:

He is represented as a rich person by what he is wearing.

  • In the video, the artist/group is represented as:

He is represented by having a little bit of money but not to much as in the normally.

  • Name of the artist: BeyoncĂ©
  • Name of the song: If i were a boy
  • Genre: R&B
  • Release date in the UK: October 13th 2008
  • What is the song about: The song is about Being a different gender to who you are.
  • Type of music video: Narrative,Amplification.
  • Describe what happens in the video: 
  • Who features in the video: 
  • Normally, the artist/group is represented as:
  • In the video, the artist/group is represented as:

Monday 19th November 2018


L/O: To explore media terminology used to analyse exam texts.

see terminology page.

Thursday 22nd November 2018

Media language in music videos.

L/O: to explore the use of media language in music videos.

convey the meaning:

The music video conveys the message of that someone could have lost someone and it has really effected them in the way that they feel that they are alone. Even if they might not be.

promote an artist:

This music video promotes katy perry as being strong and powerful.

promote the producer:

the producer makes the music video look like a film by the way that the camera angle and the way that there are parts of it that could look as if it is meant to be in a film as well as the focus in parts of the music videos are like a film where the background might be in focus but then it could change.

Media language in music videos

Thursday 29th November 2018

L/O: to explore & analyse the use of media language in chosen case study.

Analyse the media language in your music videos. How are they similar/different?


Do artists preform? If so to who? 

no the artist does not preform in the song.

is there a sense of naturalism created through the use of MES & setting?


how does it follow genre conventions?

No it does not, as the genre is R&B, which are a lot more happier and more up beat.

is any diegetic sound used and why?

there is diegetic sound at the beginning of the music video when there is talking and added effects. 

does the editing match the pace of the song? does it change between the performance and narrative sections? are special effects used? Why? what transitions are used and why?

yes because the parts of the song that are slower go with the parts that are slower and the faster bits with the faster parts of the music video.

Is the narrative linear and develop or montage?

It is a montage. 

is the camera work smooth and controlled or handheld and documentary-style?

its like a documentary/film style because it looks like it had been taken out of a film. 

is the colour saturated or de-saturated?

desaturated,  It is a monochrome video (Black and white)

What values does it promote? 

to be loyal in a relationship.

In what ways does it follow conventions of film and TV with the setting and MES?

it follows conventions of films because of the way it has taken used conventions 

Bruno mars/ mark Ronson

Do artists preform? If so to who? 

Yes the artists do preform.

is there a sense of naturalism created through the use of MES & setting?


how does it follow genre conventions?

It follows genre conventions by being really upbeat and happy.

is any diegetic sound used and why?


does the editing match the pace of the song? does it change between the performance and narrative sections? are special effects used? Why? what transitions are used and why?

yes the editing does match when the places change and the camera angles change.

Is the narrative linear and develop or montage?

it is a narrative and performance.

is the camera work smooth and controlled or handheld and documentary-style?

The camera work is quite smooth and controlled.

is the colour saturated or de-saturated?

de-saturated and very vintage type colours like in an older film.  

What values does it promote? 

it doesn't really promote very much. 

In what ways does it follow conventions of film and TV with the setting and MES?

It follows convention in film by the way that they use loads of different places and places that could potentially be in a film.

Monday 3rd December 2018

Beyoncé - if i were a boy.

In the music video, the music video is a montage the montage video is monochrome. The monochrome gives more of an effect than what it would if it was in colour then in black and white. Black and white gives more of a dramatic effect. The dramatic effects can make the video seem more effective and can help to convey a negative message. In the music video it shows that there is not a very loyal relationship. The relationship show that the female is not being very loyal to the male whereas most people normally say that the males are normally the ones who are not loyal. The editing and the pace shows when there are dramatic things in them they are slower when the clips are slower the they are showing when there are thing wrong with the relationships. The way that they uses diegetic sound. The way that they use diegetic sound is by the talking at the start of the music video and all the added in sound effects in the video.

Bruno mars and mark Ronson - Uptown Funk.

In the music video the music video has a narrative and is preformed to the camera the music video is in colour although the colours are quite vintage and washed out. The vintage colours make it look like something that could be out of an old film or something that involves vintage colours. The editing of the video is good because of the way that they cover  all different places that would be to do with a theme like something to do with old fashioned places. The lighting in the music video are de-saturated so are colours that are quite vintage with a tone of yellow as a normal light. The music video doesn't use many diegetic sound.

Thursday 6th December 2018


L/O: to analyse representation in music videos.

What sexuality is assumed if it covers love?
What ideal values does it celebrate or highlight?
How is race represented?
How is gender represented? how is age represented?
How is disability represented?
What stereotypes are used?
How are the artists represented?
How is the us or uk society represented?
What is shown as attractive in the music video? 
Are any messages being sent out?
in the music video, they do not represent disability in anyway in either of the videos. In the videos the thing thetis shown as attractive, in the bruno mars one the women are show as attractive from what they are wearing and they show everything other than their faces. In the BeyoncĂ© video, it is the women who are looking and flirting with the men. In the Bruno Mars video he is being represented as wealthy. In the BeyoncĂ© video she is represented as strong. Both of the music videos are represented in US society because on the Bruno Mars one there is a lot of black people the music video and hardly any white people like only white women. In the BeyoncĂ© video it show it being in the US from the because of the police and the way that it has been filmed and the background of the part with what the streets are like. The stereotypes that are being used for the Bruno mars video is that most men like the look of women on the outside rather than what they could be like on the inside. The stereotypes for the BeyoncĂ© one are reversed stereotypes because of the way that most of the time it is the men who cheat but on this one it shows that women are also capable of cheating as well.  

Thursday 13th December 2018

Exam practise

L/O: To review representation of videos and practise exam style questions.

both of them use urban locations connote a sense of naturalism.
both apply examples of expensive artistic editing. 
message of how women are treated.
both make use of audience understandings and cultural capital through intertextuality in using the street in ways established by films, tv and other music videos. Bruno mars use ideas from the musicals and singing in the rain from the 1940 and 1950s as well as Michael Jackson work in 1980s and 1990s. Beyonce's referee to tv police shows with gritty, modern emphasis of hand held camera.

one uses no diegetic sound 
one uses diabetic sound 
one uses saturated colours and one is monochrome 
their is humour in one and the other more serious
Uptown funk uses low angle wide angle shots that emphasises movement toward the camera. 
Beyonce uses camerawork that connotes realism through handheld camera, long lens street shots: shallow and depth of focus.

both products represent the contemporary values as heterosexual love. 
represent masculinity as sexually predatory.

beyonce presents powerful women 
bruno mars presents women as objects.

Exam practise:

Explain one way in which music videos use media language to differ from each other.                          

Refer to one example of contrasting media language in two music videos you have studied to support your answer.                                                                                                                                               

Music videos use camera work to represent different artists such as Beyoncé and bruno Mars' music video if i were a boy and uptown funk.

Beyoncé if I were a boy uses camera work as something that can connote realism. If i were a boy uses different types of camera shots that can show realism. Realism can be shown through the camera work using hand held cameras and long lens street shots. Realism can be shown through hand held cameras because of the way that it can refer to Tv and police programs. police programs use hand held cameras to show realism. The long street shots show that they are using realism because of the way that they use shots that could happen on the streets everyday rather than making it fake and shows nothing that you will see. This shows that the camera work that they are using shows that it presents realism because of the way that the hand held cameras represent police life and stuff the can happen daily.
Bruno mars uses camera work to show performance and emphasis performance to the camera. Uptown funk uses low and wide angle shots to show performance and wide angle shots. The low angle shots can show that men have more power than women. The low angle shots connote performance to the camera because of the way that Bruno Mars is looking towards the camera. 
Both of the music videos show different meanings in there camera work. They use different camera shots so that they can make it either more serious or humorous. The main difference of the camera shots were the way that one showed something like realism and the other used on to show performance to the camera.

Radio 1 live lounge.

Monday 14th January 2019.

LO: To explore how BBC radio 1 meets its PSB remit and meets the needs of its target audience.

public service Broadcasting(PSB)
in the uk, PSB is broadcasting intended for public benefit rather than to serve purely commercial interests. The communications regulator Ofcom requires that certain television and radio broadcasters fulfil certain requirements as a part of their licence. 

BBC Radio 1.

The radio 1 audience is clearly addressed by presenters that are close to the age of their main listeners demographics of 15-29. This allows the audience to relate to stuff that goes on in their lives and uses a bit of slang that is used everyday. 

BBC Radio 1: Remit.
  • to entertain and engage a broad range of young listeners.
  • its target audience is 15-29 year olds.
  • offers a range of new music, support emerging artists- especially those from the uk. 
  • provide a platform for live music 
In the evening specialists presenters covering a broad range of musical genres, should support artists at the forefront of new music, assisting their growth and development. 
Live music should be featured throughout the schedule, with sessions and concerts from both established acts and experimental new bands. 

BBC Radio 1 website:
Media language: 

  • Colour palette: The colour palette on the website are bight colours like orange, pink, purple,blue and grey. 
The background of the website is orange that then fades into a pink colour which are warm colours that can represent passion and excitement. which can show people being cheerful and happy. The pink which then fades into a cool toned colour. The pink then fades into purple. Purple can symbolise royalty, wealth and success which can show that the website is doing well and is successful. The purple then fades into blue. Blue is also a cool toned colour, the colour blue can be associated with peace and calm, which can show that the music that they play on the radio can be peaceful and calming and not having as much talking as most radios. The Grey on the website is a neutral tone the grey shows all of the news and all the main information.
  • Images used: The images used are showing all the artists and something that can link to the news. 
The images used On the website shows what the topics or songs are about they also can represent the artist maybe in a different way depending what the news is. 
  • branding 
The BBC have a range of different things that can interest everybody in the target audience. 
  • logos
  • graphics
  • content
  • The artist
  • the show and its format
  • Radio 1
  • The presenter

media convergence can rather to either, the merging of previously distinct media technologies and media forms due to digitisation and computer networking. 

exclusive content on live lounge. people can submit questions online. The audience has a choice on how they listen to it and the participation. 

BBC Radio 1:The live lounge can be accessed via the commercial platform of veto.

What advantages is their for:


The advantages for the BBC is that they can gain more interest and can be reached by many more platform so they can get more views. This helps the BBC because they can then get more views from Vevo keeping the episodes up rather than them being taken off after a certain amount of days. They get more money. Larger audience.

Vevo -

The advantages for Vevo is that they have more people streaming on their devices. On Vevo the live lounge is on their forever where as on BBC the live lounges has a certain amount of days to watch it. Get more audience accessing it.

The audience -The advantages for the audience is that they can find it on a lot more different streaming devices and finding it in more places.  No time limit and can re watch it.

Thursday 17th January 2019


L/O: to explore how the BBC is regulated. 

Ofcom's Role

  • Ensuring the optimal use of the electro magnetic spectrum.
  • Ensuring that a wide range of electronic communications services - including high speed data services- is available throughout the united kingdom. 
  • Ensuring a wide range of TV and radio services of high quality and wide appeal.
  • maintaining plurality in the provision of broadcasting. 
  • Applying adequate protection for audiences against offensive or harmful material.
  • Applying adequate protection for audiences against unfairness or the infringement of privacy.
What is Plurality?

We have defined plurality as a) ensuring there is a diversity of viewpoints available and consumed across and within media enterprises and b) preventing any one media owner or voice having too much influence over public opinion and the political agenda.

Protection of under 18s

  • material that might seriously impair the physical, mental or moral development of people under eighteen must not broadcast.
  • In the provision of services, broadcasters must take all reasonable steps to protect people under 18.
  • Children must also be protected in the form of appropriate scheduling ensuring that they are not privy to material that is unsuitable for them. 

my show would be about music. the target audience is 13-18. The show would be about music and live performances through artists that people are interested in. 

Thursday 24th January 2019

Live lounge

L/O: to analyse the structure of the Live Lounge & the audience appeal.

The live lounge

Live lounge is hosed at the same time on BBC Radio 1 and BBC Radio 1Xtra. They are hosted by different people tho. BBC Radio 1is mostly for 15-24 year olds.1xtra is a digital radio channel where as Radio 1 is for normal and digital radios. 
What is the benefit of broadcasting on two channels
Being hosted on both channels allow artists to be broadcasted across two of the radio platforms.

Clara Amfo
started with nickelodeon and cbbc.
was a marketing intern at KISS FM,and did some voice-overs. 
Starting out her radio career at KISS FM UK presenting the overnight show, she quickly ascended to the Saturday Breakfast and then drivetime show, reaching audiences of 1 million on a weekly basis.
Amfo hosted the British premiere of Red Riding Hood, Baby Driver, Tomb Raider, Kingsman and Marvel's  Black Panther at Hammersmith Apollo  has reported from assorted events in the UK, including Wireless, Global Gathering, SW4 and NASS festivals. 
In 2012 she was nominated for a Sony Radio Award in the "Rising Star" category.
In September 2013 Amfo joined BBC Radio 1Xtra as host of the weekend breakfast show. In 2013, she was hired as the host of MTV's weekly Official UK Top 40 and Top 20 Chart shows, as well as The Official Chart Update and Top 20. 
On 26 September 2013, Amfo appeared on BBC Radio 1's Innuendo Bingo.
In 2015, Amfo became the host of The Official Chart on BBC Radio 1
In February 2015 it was also announced that she would be taking over from Fearne Cotton as host of Radio 1's mid-morning show – home of the Live Lounge – on 25 May 2015, and therefore be departing from 1Xtra's weekend breakfast show.
In February 2017, Amfo presented backstage at the BRIT Awards for ITV2.
In December 2017, she presented The Year in Music 2017 with Claudia Winkleman on BBC Two
She also presented Top of the Pops for the first time, with Fearne Cotton on BBC One.
In February 2018, Amfo returned to the BRIT Awards backstage on ITV2.

Dj ace

Ace and Vis, a.k.a. The Troublemakers of Radio, are radio DJs and television presenters from south-east London. 

They met whilst studying at the BRIT School in London.

Known as Ace and Invisible (Vis), after winning a gold Sony Radio Academy Award for their lunchtime show on BBC Radio 1Xtra in 2004, the two later co-presented BBC Radio 1Xtra's drivetime show from 4 to 7 pm on weekdays, before moving to the 4 to 7 pm weekend slot. They left BBC Radio 1Xtra in September 2012. 
They have also co-presented a show on the UK music channel Channel U (then Channel AKA, now Total Country).

Recent programmes have seen the two presenters flipping pancakes in the street, attempting to fry eggs on the pavement, and interviewing Jimmy Savile and former 1980s WWE wrestling stars. 
Guests on their show include musicians and artists such as Chamillionaire, Ne-Yo, Missy Elliott, Beenie Man, Wiley, GZA, Asher D, Chris Brown, T.I., Lupe Fiasco, Jamie Foxx and John Legend.

They have also travelled to Japan, Germany and Ayia Napa, and were on the International Summer Tour '06 with TwiceasNice as part of their resident team of DJs.
Ace and Vis work closely with BBC Blast, often appearing at tour events to give young people an insight into working in radio.
Ace returned to Radio 1Xtra in 2014 to cover various weekend programmes.
In May 2015 Ace officially re-joined 1Xtra to present weekend breakfast from 6 to 10 am. Following Trevor Nelson's move to weekend afternoons in January 2016, Ace became the new host of 1Xtra's Live Lounge - weekdays 10 am – 1 pm. 

About Live Lounge 

Artist are filmed in an intimate radio studios, acoustically, often with little production rehearsal. They normally preform one or two of the own songs and than a unique cover form an A list radio 1 audience. 

What are the audience appeals of the live lounge?

The live lounge appeals to the audience because they like to hear something different something that is live rather than listening to it like it was made and hear it in a different way like how do the artists sound like as if they are live rather than using auto tune like they do when the produce a song. Lots of different ways to find live lounge. Loads of different artists and genres. The cover would appeal to the audience because they might like the song and no one would have heard it before by the artists. 

Why is it different to other radio shows?

BBC radio 1's live lounge is different to other radio stations because it has more entertainment and gives you more than just a radio station. The other radio station don't normally have people live and not really anyone preforming unlike radio 1's live lounge. 


What can you access from there?

From the BBC Radio 1 live lounge you can access:
live lounge month
live lounge uncovered
Clara Amfo
outside the UK?
Radio 1 home
home page for BBC live lounge
different BBC channels 
photographic galleries
podcasts and shows 

What artists are mentioned?

Twenty One Pilots

Jorja Smith

Marshmello + Bastille



Zara Larsson

Jess Glynne

Lewis Capaldi


Rita Ora

Jax Jones

Christine and the Queens

George Ezra

The 1975

Rudimental + Tom Walker

Ellie Goulding

Mumford & Sons & London Contemporary Orchestra

What other live lounge products are there available?

Other live lounge products are CDs of the year. 


  1. Terminology - Good definitions

    Genre Conventions - shows some understanding

    Target Audience - Need more work on the psychographics

    Analysis - good start
    DIRT: Try to avoid just describing - link the elements to the likes/dislikes of the TA.

  2. Music Videos: Good research and analysis of your chosen videos.
    TARGET: make sure you are using accurate terminology and include how the artists have been represented

    Live Lounge: good research - make sure you can say how the programme meets the PSB remit


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