
Promoting media Revision (WK1)    Thursday 13th to Thursday 20th September

Name the organisations that regulate the following media forms.

  • film- British Board of film classification (BBFC). 
  • TV & Radio- ofcom.
  • Advertising- The advertising standards authority (ASA).
  • Newspapers & Magazines- Independent press standards organisations (IPSO) & IMPRESS. 
  • Video Games Video standard council rating board. 
Explain what postmodernist film is.

A postmodernist film includes 3 different features are from the term postmodernism. The 3 terms that are featured in post modernism are challenging genre conventions, Pastiche and Hyper-reality.
   Challenging genre conventions include to either have a mixture of many genres or to challenge typical character rolls.
   Pastiche includes imitating other texts, humorous takes on society and culture. adds something funny that already exist but make it funny.
  Hyper-reality includes making the audience aware that they are watching a film or a movie. 

How is the Lego movie a postmodernist film.

    The Lego movie is an example of a postmodernist film because the film uses postmodernism. there are three features in postmodernism, challenging genre conventions, pastiche and hyper-reality. The Lego movie fits these terms because...
     The Lego movie is a postmodernist film because of challenging genre conventions by using loads of different genres by following these genres. Animation, action,adventure,comedy, family and fantasy. It also challenges genre conventions by challenging typical gender rolls by the sidekick being a female instead of males. 
     The Lego movie is also a postmodernist film because of pastiche. The way that pastiche is used is when they use "over priced coffee". In the Lego movie they use over priced coffee rather than just saying something like Starbucks by giving it a humorous effect in society.
    And the final reason that the Lego movie is a postmodernist film is by using Hyper-reality.  
The Lego movie makes you realise you are watching a film from the way that the narrative and the story line changes throughout the film that would also include having different themes and different worlds in The Lego movie like a real world and a computer generated world. 

Promoting media revision (WK2)                Thursday 20th to Thursday 4th October 2018

There are THREE sections of the FAMILY TARGET AUDIENCE: kids who like Lego; parents of kids who used to play with Lego themselves; young cinema goers.

explain how the Lego movie appeals to each of the following areas:

  • characters- the Lego movie appeals to the following areas by making all 3 of the target audiences think about what character they are more alike or which one there family's are more alike to.
  • narrative- the narrative would mostly appeal to people who have watched the matrix because it is the same sort of narrative and story line. Although it might appeal to the younger audience because of the characters and the colours and because it is Lego and quite a few children would enjoy playing with the Lego and it is quite popular.    
  • theme- the Lego movie appeals to children by the colours and the fact that it would all be made out of Lego which they like to play with and also the characters form other films that they watch like super heroes. It would appeal to adult by the different types of theme and include a lot of significant people or people  who they watch in films. It would appeal to young cinema goers because they would have seen other characters from the Lego movie in the the films.  

What methods did they use to PROMOTE the Lego Movie and how did it target the different parts of the target audience? You should talk about the following methods:

  • Poster Campaign- They released a new poster every week  throughout January for the film to be released in February.  
  • TV Advertising- ITV  turned a whole ad break into Lego for the release of the Lego movie. Some of the adverts that turned into Lego was BT, confused.com, premiere inn and more all remade. This was the first time that anything like that had ever happened. social media was one of the ways it made it more successful because people were talking, sharing and saying stuff about it. 
  • Film Trailers- Film trailers wold make cinema goers want to watch it because they would enjoy going to the cinema and seeing all the trailers of future films that are coming out that they might want to see.- film trailers would also appeal to children and adults when they occasionally go to the cinema because they would like the way that the film is Lego orientated  and the colours may attracted people also the uses of characters from other films they may like. 
  • Social Media- social media can help to promote a film to adults because of the aspect of social media. most films would make a social media page for the film so people can see the release date and can also leave reviews to see if other people want to watch the film.
  • Merchandise- (synergy)- the Lego movie released tie-in merchandise to go along side the film to make more money after all the promoting that the film did. they were:

    1.  17 Lego world sets 
    2. 16 collectible mini figures 
    3. The Lego movie video game
    4. range of school supplies
    5. sticker and activity books 

    promoting media (WK3)                                          Thursday 4th to Thursday 11th October 2018

    • Explain why the TV Advertising campaign was so successful
    The TV advertising campaign was so successful because of social media. social media made the TV advertising campaign successful because everyone was talking about it on social media it was also a way to start a conversation. 6 million people tuned into ITV to watch the Lego takeover ad break. the way that it could have started a conversation was because it hasn't been done before.

    •   Explain what SYNERGY is in marketing.
    synergy in marketing is when a company would release something to go along with the film so like a video game or something to bring in more money for the company after paying for the advertisement of the film and video game or objects they are selling.

    •   Explain how Lego used SYNERGY to promote the movie.
    Lego used synergy by releasing tie in merchandise. they were 

    • 17 Lego world sets 
    • 16 collectible mini figures 
    • The Lego movie video game
    • range of school supplies
    • sticker and activity books 

    • Explain WHY a film company would want to release a video game to tie in with a film.
    A company would release a video game so that people can tell if the film is going to be worth going to see but also because it will show them what type of characters there are and also the colour pallet and the different themes. Company's would also release a video game so that they will be getting money from the film but also the game. the game is also made for enjoyment and making people who are playing the game more involved in the game because the game involves you more than the film does.

    Promoting media (WK4)                                           Thursday 18th October to Thursday 25th 
                                                                                                                                 October 2018

    • Give the FOUR USES & GRATIFICATIONS that Blulmer & Katz give for accessing media
    • Entertainment- offers distraction from the world. 

      personal identity- helps us consider who we are; what ideas and values we identify with.

      Relationships- we find things we can share and discuss with others.

      information- new information we want to know or take pleasure in knowing.
    • Analyse how the Uses & Gratifications of the Lego Movie Video Game are reflected in the cover
    The lego movie games use Entertainment by distracting people from what goes on in the real world. The lego movie uses this by making young children entertained by the way that the levels are if they have levels if not then they might want to get a higher score. 

    The lego movie games make people consider who they are as a person and which character that there are more alike to. Most of the males can compare to themselves. They also make you're people look up to someone and so they then know who they want to be when they get older. 

    The lego movie games make people discuss what they think is going to happen in the film also what type of colour pallet there is going to be in the lego movie. It can also make people wonder if they are looking forward to it or if they they don't think it will be very good.

    The lego movie games give us information about the film the games can tell us what the colour pallet is going to include and also what characters there are and also if the film  challenges genre conventions by the female being more dominant than the male because if the female can save them or they can be a side kick it means that the female character is strong and plays a bigger part than the males.

    Promoting media (WK5)                                                          

  1. what are the genre conventions shown in the main film cover?

  2. The narrative of the film is shown in the main film cover by the Way that the tagline says what it is about. From the main cover you can tell that it is going to be an adventure film because of the colours and the characters are and having good and bad figures on the front and some of the figures more higher up[ than the others like towering over the other character.

  3. Explain how the following elements on the poster appeal to the TARGET AUDIENCE:
    • Title: the title will appeal to all of the different target audiences because of it being made out of lego and it being different to most other titles for films.
    • Tagline: 'The story of a nobody who saved everybody'. The tag line would show that the films in not about someone who could be very strong or very helpful most of the time but in the end the character would have changed and would have saved everybody in some way.
    • Main Image - Characters: the characters look quite scared as if they are running away from danger or if something is coming for them. also if the characters are higher up it could mean they there are more powerful or more villan liike.It can also depend on the way that they are stood or leaning over people as if to say im coming for you or could be one of the main characters to look for. 
    • Main Image - Setting: the setting shows two different worlds one more peaceful than the other. One of them could show a nice peaceful place where nothing bad would happen whereas the other one shows a lot of danger or more fear form the colours used. 
  4. Look at the main poster and the teaser posters. Analyse how they use STEREOTYPES to create REPRESENTATIONS that appeal to the TARGET AUDIENCE.

  5. teaser posters 

    The stereotypes for lord business are by the way that he is stood in the main image by him being higher up and looming over him. Another way to stereotyped is the colours that there are on lord business there are quite a lot or orange or red and darker more evil colours this would link to the target audience because of the way that most people would want more evil characters than character that are more bright and colourful.

    The stereotypes for Wyld-style are that she is made to look like a girl who doest like many colours. Although Wyld-Style is also a Hollywood women because she is seen as a positive role model to girls. She is a positive role model because she wears makeup like eyelashes and the way that she acts because of the way that she is fearless and not much would bother her.

    The stereotypes for emmet are that he is a normal person not very much happens to him and he is a normal construction builder he is a normal person living a normal life he is wearing a highvis jacket which shows that he does building work.although on the teaser poster he also looks like someone who gets scared really easily.

    the stereotypes for Vitruvius, he is a very powerful person from the looks of him. he looks like he is a very pure and powerful person because of him wearing white sort of like a god he also looks like a ghost because of the way he is floating on the main cover image.

    film companies can exploits a film by Using teaser trailers the lego movie used teaser trailers to exploit the film the


    1. Wk1: good understanding of regulation & postmodernism

      Wk2: Good understanding of TA

      Wk3: Good understanding of the Campaign, but lacks detail


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