Television in the 2010s

Friday 15th November 2019

Television in the 2010s

L/O:  To research the 2010s (Uk) in terms of social, cultural and political climate of the decade; research TV usage in 2015.

In 2010 Gordon Brown was the prime minister. He was the leader of The Labour Party.
David cameron was the prime minister in 2015. He was the leader of The Conservative Party.
In 2013 the current prime minister at the time (David Cameron) legalised same sex marriage.
Cultural context:

  • Social media
  • iPhone
  • drug culture
  • knife crime
  • rap music
  • video games (violence/obsession)
  • streaming 
  • Emo and chavs. 
Human rights:
  • Third wave feminism
  • black lives matter
  • refugees and tolerance
Key events:
The threat of terrorism:
  • Afghanistan war
  • Syrian war
  • Isis
  • Terror attacks in the UK
  • Korean Nuclear capability

The differences I would expect to see in the 2015 police drama is more variation of couples (same sex, different sex couples). This would be more likely due to when it was made and the place it was made as it was made in Brighton which is the unofficial 'gay capital'. The way that this would be different from the 1965's is that it was not legal to be married to the same sex until 2013 when David Cameron made it legal.
Another way that i would expect them to differ are there story lines the 2015 one i would expect to be more about crimes like drugs, knife crime, online threats and stuff like that where as the 1965 one would follow more of like a detective style story line as that was what would have been popular at the time like all the books from the 17th to 18th centuries that may have interested people.


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