Television: Industry and Audiences

Friday 1st November 2019

Television: Industry and Audiences

L/O: To research the history, companies & regulators in the television industry.


  • publicly owned TV channel - 
Funded by government & license fees for the public service.
  • Commercial TV channel -
Funded through advertisements.
  • Convergence - 
Process of joining different technologies into one device.
  • Watershed - 
times when adult content (15+) can be shown between 9pm and 5.30 am.
  • segmented market - 
audience divided into different groups depending on tastes and interests.
  • Mainstream -
mass audience; the ideas attitudes, or activities that are shared by most people and regarded as normal conventional.
  • Self-regulating -
not regulated by outside bodies.
  • Franchise -
license from company of a product to use format/show/ideas.
  • Channel-surfing -
changing frequently from one program to another on a television, watching each one for only a short time
  • PSB -
Public Service Broadcasting; regulators demand channels fulfil certain requirements as part of their license to broadcast.
  • Tv license -
Any household or business watching, recording live broadcasts require to pay a license fee. Funds the BBC.
  • Scheduling -
Deciding which shows to show at which times.
  • conglomerate - 
A company tat owns several smaller businesses whose products or services are usually very different.

Research Task

  • 1. When was TV introduced to the uk?


  • 2. In 1965, how many channels were there in the UK and what were they?


  • 3. When did itv start? why was it different?

22nd September 1959

  • 4. Which UK channels have to follow PSB remits?


  • 5. Who regulates TV now?


  • 6. Who regulated TV channels in the 1960s?

BBC- self regulated

  • 7. List the differences between TV in the 60s & now?

More channels
better technology
More choice


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