the lego movie: poster campaign

Poster campaign 

Thursday 21st June 2018

L/O: to explain the effectiveness of the campaign: to analyse uses & gratification theory.

Teaser posters:


Character posters/ teaser posters: 

They released over 20 teaser posters with most of the characters. This would have made people want to watch the movie because of stereotypes and because of the people who plays the characters. By the stereotypes on the Wyld-style poster there are saying that she is a Emo.  

what stereotypes are used in the posters of Emmet and Wyld-style and what do they suggest?

  • the stereotypes for Emmet is, that Emmet is a normal person.
  • Blue means male can be active like a construction builder.
  • Masculinity- hair, high-vis jacket.
  • the stereotypes for Wyld-style is a girl who is most likely to be called an Emo although some of the stereotypes are good.
  • Blue means that females as passive.
  • femininity- hair, make up, freckles and lashes.
In the lego movie the gender roles were reversed that also happens in other films like tomb raider and Huger games. 

Stereotypes can sometimes be good because it can make people like younger people look up to the person who is being stereotypes. 

Theatrical poster:

Extra information on theatrical posters:

'The story of a nobody who saved everybody' (Tag Line) 
A bigger title
Cast and crew 
A lot more of the characters 
More detail 
A lot more of the main theme or where the film is set 
colour pallet

Analyse how the lego movie posters use stereotypes to create representations that appeal to the films target audience and are easily understood.

The Lego Movie uses stereotypes to represent that the films target audience that are easily understood.

The Lego movie stereotypes Lord business as a villain by the way that he is stood. the  way that lord business is stood shows that he is the one who in powers the place and thinks that they rule the place. The way that lord business can also be stereotyped is by his colours and the way that he has flames coming out of his head. The flames coming out of his head is as if he is in a positions that he is about to flip as is people are testing his patients. The fire also makes him look very evil and the ruler o the Bricks Burg.  

The Lego Movie Stereotypes of Wyld-style is that she is made to look as if she is a girl who is a girl who doesn't like colours only a few colours. Although Wyld-style also lives up to a Hollywood women. Wyld-style is like  a Hollywood women because she is seen as a positive role model to girls. The way how Wyld-style is a positive role model to girls is because she wears makeup like eye lashes and the way that she acts because it is as if she is fearless and nothing will bother her unless it is really annoying like the song 'Everything is awesome'. And they sort of use post modernism or challenging genre conventions because in the Lego movie they use Wyld-style to act as the hero although she is not, in Prop's spheres of action to me she is labeled as the helper and the princess. In most films they show females as weak they usually don't show women as weak if they are a ruler and it is easy to tell that from the poster. 

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