
Showing posts from 2019

Cuffs Practise Question

Friday 6th December 2019 Cuffs Practise Question How is Media Language used to represent modern Britain? [10 Marks] Mise-en-scene & Camera Work Establishing shot. Fast pace drone footage of Brighton. Low angle close up. Multicultural society (modern britain) Low angle steady cam (creates tension) (brighton can be dangerous) over should shot (point of view of the shot of the character) pan shot (all cultures and ethnicity is there) High angle look down on the groups (lad culture) Close up Low angle of chief shows that white men, straight and middle age men have more power. (patriarchal society) medium shot showing phone (modern britain) Close up shows violence of brighton lost respect for law and order as people are willing to attack and separate a fight and no one is listening or helping. Not enough police. (close up). low angle close up shows the police man getting punch shows people don't respect the law anymore. Brighton is know as the gay capitol of the

avengers practice question

Tuesday 3rd December 2019 Avengers Practise Questions How is media Language used in the extract to portray gender and sexuality in the 1960s? Media Language is used in this extract to portray gender and sexuality in the 1960s by using camera work and mise-en-scene. At the beginning of the extract it begins with a cut away close up of a door bell. Near the door bell there was the name Mrs Emma Peel this would show that Mrs Peel was not alone and that she should not be flirting. When Steed rings the door bell he doesn't ring it like you would normally ring a door bell instead he decides to ring the door bell using the end of his umbrella. This would suggest that Steed is rude and disrespectful. The extract the goes on to using a pan tilt to the eye. The eye that is used is a females eye as in the 60s women would have worn make up to make themselves look more pretty and attractive as they deemed to be. Throughout the extract there is a difference in angles between the 2 characte

Avengers Practice Question

Friday 29th November 2019 Avengers Practice Question How is 'Britishness' represented in the scene in terms of mise-en-scene?   In this scene Britishness is represented through clothing. Men in the 60s would have been wearing suits and formal wear. women on the other hand would have worn nice clothes that made them look pretty. How is War Paranoia/racism represented in this scene through mise-en-scene? In this scene mise-en-scene is represented through this scene by props. There is a plane in the background that would probably represent a plane that may have been used in a war. How was Steed represented in episode 1? Steed was represented as a very formal and work driven man. His clothing is very formal which shows his formality. Anytime that Steed was shown he was mostly seen working or using work to portray something different. How was Mrs Peel represented in episode 1? Mrs Peel was represented as a very strong independent person. She was presented as a st


Friday 22nd November 2019 Characters and individual storylines PC Ryan Draper A devoted single dad to his two children, Ryan has equally high standards at home but his controlling and over-bearing nature threatens to drive away those he loves most. PC Jake Vickers Self-assured, if a little naïve, Jake is determined to earn his place on the team but fails to realise that a romance with provocative defence solicitor Simon, could undo all of his hard work. DS Jo Moffat Diligent and organised, she always does everything by the book and gets results.But whilst her career is going from strength to strength, her personal life isn’t. Lonely and divorced, Jo is having an affair with Robert, her Chief Super.Whilst initially Jo was happy with the no-strings-attached arrangement, she’s now realising she’s constantly at the raw end of the deal. As Robert struggles to cope with wife’s recent cancer diagnosis, seeking refuge in the arms of one of his reports, an

TV: Media Language

Tuesday 19th November 2019 TV: Media Language. L/O: to revise and research key terminology for use with audio-visual analysis. Camera work: Editing: Sound track: Mise-En-Scene:

Television in the 2010s

Friday 15th November 2019 Television in the 2010s L/O:  To research the 2010s (Uk) in terms of social, cultural and political climate of the decade; research TV usage in 2015. In 2010 Gordon Brown was the prime minister. He was the leader of The Labour Party. David cameron was the prime minister in 2015. He was the leader of The Conservative Party. In 2013 the current prime minister at the time (David Cameron) legalised same sex marriage. Cultural context: Social media iPhone drug culture knife crime rap music video games (violence/obsession) streaming  Emo and chavs.  Human rights: Third wave feminism black lives matter refugees and tolerance Key events: The threat of terrorism: Afghanistan war Syrian war Isis Terror attacks in the UK Korean Nuclear capability The differences I would expect to see in the 2015 police drama is more variation of couples (same sex, different sex couples). This would be more likely due to when it was made an

Television Industries: Ownership

Friday 15th November 2019 Television Industries: Ownership L/O: to explore the history of ownership in two key channels.

The town of no returns

Friday 8th November 2019 Todorov's narrative Theory The Narrative: Equilibrium- Starts with Mrs Peele is having a normal morning, relaxing, exercising and practising sword fighting.  Disruption- Mr Steed goes round and says that there going to a town where agents are going missing. Get locked in the pub, can't carry on the investigation. A man dies. Mrs peele get tied up in the blacksmiths Resolution- Peele find out the photo that the school was full of imposter.  Goes to the school to investigate the head teacher.  New Equilibrium-  Driving away on a scooter where Mr steed flirts with Mrs peele again.  The Characters: Mrs Peel (Emma): agents/spies Female 25-35 Male and Female target audience.  Females will look up to her from after the war. She wheres latex mostly throughout the episode. Mr Steed (John): Male target audience- who want to be like his target audience. Female target audience (over 35) agent/spies


Tuesday 5th November 2019 1960s L/O: Research the 1960s (uk) in terms of social, historical and political climate of the decade; research the TV show the Avengers. What was significant thing about the 60s? What do you know about the 1960? When was the first contraception pill released? The first contraception Pill was released in the late 1950s, early 1960s.  It was at first only offered to women who were married. And lately introduced to all women in the late 1960s.  But was extremely dangerous. Different groups in the 1960s? Hippies Mods Rockers Bands? The beatles  The rolling stones  The who pink floyd Fashion? Bright clothes Geometric patterns mini skirts shift dresses bold patterned coloured tights Low block heels oversized clothes with collars and bows tie-dye t-shirts Art?  In the 60s there were a lot of arts around: There were pop art that was all around the UK from Andy Warhol.  Before we start

Television: Industry and Audiences

Friday 1st November 2019 Television: Industry and Audiences L/O: To research the history, companies & regulators in the television industry. Terminology- publicly owned TV channel -  Funded by government & license fees for the public service. Commercial TV channel - Funded through advertisements. Convergence -  Process of joining different technologies into one device. Watershed -  times when adult content (15+) can be shown between 9pm and 5.30 am. segmented market -  audience divided into different groups depending on tastes and interests. Mainstream - mass audience; the ideas attitudes, or activities that are shared by most people and regarded as normal conventional. Self-regulating - not regulated by outside bodies. Franchise - license from company of a product to use format/show/ideas. Channel-surfing - changing frequently from one program to another on a television, watching each one for only a short time PSB - Pub

coursework update

friday 6th September 2019 friday 13th September 2019 Tuesday 17th September 2019 Friday 27th September 2019 Friday 4th October 2019 Friday 11th October 2019  Tuesday 15th October 2019 Friday 6th December 2019 Tuesday 17th December 2019

year 10 dirt

Dirt L/O: to review and reflect on the y10 mock exam and set personal targets. music industry 1. identify the regulator for radio in the uk. Ofcom  Type of media and uk regulators  Film- BBFC Tv and radio- Ofcom  advertising- ASA Magazines and newspapers- IPSO and Impress  video games-  2. Explain one way in which music videos use media language to differ from each other.  refere to one example of contrasting media language in two music videos you have studied to support your answer.  Media language means what? camera work- contrasting camerawork to create a tone to match the song. mise-en-scene- creates a fictional world. narrative style- may use linear narratives telling the story of the song or performance montage. editing- to create a tone to match with the song. 3. Explain how and why producers of radio programs target different audiences. refer to the radio 1 live lounge to support your answer. how many marks? what do you n


Thursday 28th march 2019 L/O: to experiment with illustrator. This was the first thin g that I made using illustrator. The cat that I made was the first cat that I had tried I left out the facial features because it was to hard to do the feature of the cat like eyes, nose and mouth. But it also has straight lines or the lines don't look like they fit right. Monday 1st March 2019 Skills development  L/O: to practice skills needed for coursework development. I think that this cat is a little bit better than the first one but is still not as good as I would like it. I think that next time need to try to add the facial feature and also use a couple more curves rather than straight lines.   I got a little bored and made something with no template with different shades of pinks and stuff. I also made this quickly when I got a little bored with no template.  I drew like mountains or meant to be just to use the pen tool without using a template.

photoshop skills development

Thursday 7th February 2019 Photoshop skills Development L/O: To explore and develop creative techniques in photoshop. Monday 11th February 2019 L/O: to explore and develop creative techniques in photoshop. Thursday 14th February 2019  L/O: To explore and develop creative techniques in photoshop. A film poster for a new movie. Choose genre. genre= horror. Horror poster